Barking Pest Control

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Pest Control for Food Suppliers Barking

Fruit and vegetables on display at a shop.

Those in the business of food supplying face very particular challenges when it comes to pest control, but they have to be met with effective measures to ensure that the food they supply is free of contamination. At we understand these challenges, and can help you to implement an appropriate pest control system for your circumstances. This will not only help to maintain your good reputation, but will keep you in compliance with UK law.

Pest Control for Food Suppliers

At, the first thing we do when we are charged with implementing a pest control system for a food supplier is send out a technician or in some cases a field biologist to survey the premises. The purpose of this is to make sure we have a very good understanding of the current condition of your property.

Once the survey has been completed, a report will be compiled detailing any problems which have been found. We will also make recommendations as to how you can resolve these problems and once you are happy with what has to be done, one of our pest control technicians will carry it out.

The main purpose we have, of course, is to ensure that you do not ever suffer a pest infestation. Here are some of the factors which will be considered in order to achieve this goal:

Two people in protective clothing looking inside a bag of flour at a warehouse.
  • Product Inspection Upon Receipt. Before you accept any food products on to your facility, you should check that they do not already have a pest infestation. We will be able to tell you some of the tell-tale signs to look out for, such as chewing of cardboard boxes which suggests a rodent infestation.
  • General Cleanliness. Pests are attracted to accessible food, such as scraps left under cupboards and crumbs in a store room. It is therefore vital to make sure your property upholds the highest standards of hygiene.
  • Building Maintenance. Even a small crack in an exterior wall can be like a welcome sign to insects and rodents, so they must all be filled in. They are often found around pipes coming out of the building. Gutters, drains and pipes should also be in good working order as pests are also on the lookout for places they can get water.
  • Proofing. There are a number of natural entry points for pests, such as doors, windows and holes for ventilation. These should all be screened so that pests cannot get through.

Once these, and any other issues which come up, have been taken care of you will have a working pest control system. To make sure that it continues to work, offers regular return visits by one of our pest control technicians. These can be particularly useful before you have an official inspection, to ensure that you are still in compliance with UK legislation.

Branch Finder

Our Barking branch is operated by:

Trading Address:

Registered Office: Yew Tree House, Lewes Road, Forest Row, England, RH18 5AA

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