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Woodworm Treatment Gainsborough

furniture beetle When you discover a woodworm infestation, it is important that you get it checked out by a pest control specialist as soon as possible. It might not look like a lot of damage, but looks can be deceiving. The little holes in the wood, often the first indication that you have woodworm unfortunately, actually mean that a lot of internal damage will have been done to the wood already. If the woodworm has got into the timbers that support the house, they could be causing structural damage which, in severe cases, could lead to collapse.

What is Woodworm?

did you know
The Death Watch Beetle is so-called because it makes a noise which can be heard in very quiet houses, so they used to be heard during death watches.
Woodworm is not a species in and of itself, instead “woodworm” is the collective name given to a range of wood boring beetles in their larval stage. Having said that, it is still an appropriate name, as these beetles usually only live a matter of days or weeks in their adult form, while they can spend up to about six years in their larval stage (when they look like a lot like a worm). The little holes in wood which are visible are actually exit holes, evidence of the fully grown beetle finally emerging from the wood.

There are lots of different types of wood boring beetle, two of the more common ones being the Common Furniture Beetle and The Death Watch Beetle. Each species will attack different sorts of wood, and the ideal woodworm treatment will depend on what kind of woodworm it is. Pest control experts will be able to identify the species from the size and shape of the exit hole, or from the beetle itself.

Woodworm Treatment

beetle damageThe best woodworm treatment options will depend on the size and location of the infestation. Sometimes the actual live infestation is gone by the time the problem is discovered, but that is something that only a professional pest control technician is likely to be able to ascertain. With the use of a borescope, a pest control expert can discover how widespread the infestation is, including whether it has got to the wood or timber which is unseen, behind walls.
If the infestation is not too serious, then spraying insecticide around the infected area might be enough to get rid of it. On the other hand, if it is already widespread, the only option might be fumigation. This is often the case with Death Watch beetles in particular.

Preventing Woodworm

Of course it is much better to avoid an infestation in the first place. In this regard, it is helpful to know that woodworm are generally attracted to damp or moist wood. Therefore making sure that the humidity in your home is low is a good step to avoiding woodworm. To stop the spread of woodworm, another good method are simple fly traps. If you can kill the adult beetles before they are able to mate, which is pretty much all they are interested in once they are in beetle form, then they will not be laying more eggs and you will prevent any further damage.
If you do get a woodworm infestation however, then please feel free to give us a call or contact us via email and we will be able to advise you on the best course of woodworm treatment for your situation.

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