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Picture of a house mouse and wood mouse at large

Mouse Control Elm Park

Of all the infestations you can get, a mouse infestation is perhaps one of the cutest.
If you are one of the many people afraid of mice, you probably won't agree of course.
And actually, you'd be right. They might be furry and quite easy on the eye, but they carry diseases, are a nuisance with their constant gnawing on things, and are a potential fire hazard as well.
If you have an infestation of mice, therefore, it is essential that you apply mouse control techniques and call a professional to be sure of getting rid of the problem.

How To Recognise a Mouse Infestation

Mice have large ears, pointed noses, and small eyes that protrude from their head. The two most commonly found mice in houses and gardens are Wood and House mice. The Wood mouse is a little over 5cm long (not including the tail) and is a light brown colour. The House mouse is a little smaller and of a darker colouring, also with smaller ears. You can easily telldid you know
On average, a mouse will let go of 70 droppings every day.
a mouse from a young rat by looking at their feet; the feet of a rat are much larger in comparison with their body than a mouse's. Adult rats, of course, are bigger than mice.

Mice are nocturnal creatures, however, so you might not see them during the day at all, meaning that you might only see the signs that they have been there. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes for this work, but you do need to know what you are looking for. For one thing you might notice a strange smell, which is the mouse's nest. They also leave dark coloured droppings around the place, and are constantly chewing on things so gnawed furniture, cereal boxes, or any number of other things, most importantly cables, are signs that you have a mouse infestation. The chewing of cables, apart from causing serious damage to your electrical appliances, could lead to a fire which is why this is particularly dangerous. On occasions, in fact, mice make their nest within electrical appliances so it is important to carry out mouse control as soon as you can. Apart from seeing them or noticing their effects, however, the best way of noticing mice at night is to listen carefully for a scurrying sound.

Mouse Control Techniques

The main danger mice carry with them is disease. Mice are incontinent, urinating anywhere they go, and they can easily transfer tapeworms, salmonella food poisoning, ringworm and meningitis. It is therefore essential to carry out mouse control techniques. what a house mouse looks like in the uk

The traditional form of taking care of a mouse problem is, of course, mouse traps. However many people have a problem with this solution now as it brings about a painful death to the mouse, breaking its back with the metal bar. Traps that are more humane are now available, however whichever sort of trap you choose, it is best to set them near walls. The bait you use could be the more traditional cheese, although chocolate and biscuits work just as well.

did you know
Mice can jump up in the air to a height of two feet.
If you utilize a mouse poison, which you can buy from garden centres and hardware stores, then the bait and killing device are one and the same. You can also use rodenticides, electronic repellers and electronic killing devices. Keeping mice out of your house in the first place is obviously a preferable form of mouse control to having to get rid of them once they are in, and once you are rid of them you want to be sure that they stay out. One way of doing this is by installing Mouse Mesh Grills, which deny entry to mice when they are put over air bricks. Actually it is amazing how small a gap mice can fit through so you want to make sure all holes are covered up.

In general, however, mice will not be attracted to a place if there is no food available there. Maintaining high standards of cleanliness is therefore a good way of keeping mice away. This needs to be done within your property and around it, in a back garden for instance. Make sure piles of waste do not build up.

Mice breed very quickly so it is important to get rid of your mouse infestation as soon as you can. To be sure of achieving this properly, it is best to invite a professional to take care of the job, or at least ask them for advice.

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