Chester Le Street Pest Control

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Beetle Control & Removal Chester Le Street

did you know
There are more than 350,000 different species of beetle that we know of, 40% of all known insects."
There are many different types of beetle in the world. In fact, more varieties than any other insect. However you don't really need to worry about all of them, and there are only a few which will infest your home, garden or work premises. They're not a nice sight, but more than that they are unhygienic and can be the cause of a lot of damage, so it is important to employ beetle removal techniques as soon as possible.

Some of the most common types of beetle infestations are of:

The Carpet Beetle

Carpet Beetle PicAt 1 ½mm to 4mm long, they can be tough to spot. If you do get a look, you will notice that they are brown or black with white or yellow markings. They can generate a lot of harm to fabrics in their larval stage, and while they often live outside as adults, often live under carpets as well (hence the name). The beetle removal techniques involved with getting rid of carpet beetles are, first of all, to find the source of the infestation. This will usually be in the loft or beneath floorboards, perhaps in a bird's or rodent's nest. Whatever the source, the initial step is to remove it so that they will not keep coming back. Then any area that the carpet beetles are likely to invade from should be treated using a residual insecticide, places like under carpets, around window frames and skirting boards and in roof spaces.

The Larder Beetle

Larder Beetle pictureAs with most beetles, the main damage done by the larder beetle is actually done when they are larvae. You will probably first notice an infestation by seeing the adult however, and at just under a centimetre long they are larger than some. To identify them, they are dark brown, with a white strip near the head that has six black dots on it. They are called larder beetles because they do a lot of damage to food, especially meat such as bacon, ham and dried beef, although usually it has to be spoiled meat. To pupate, they prefer a more solid environment such as wood or even metal. The beetle removal technique in this case is to spray all the cracks and crevices around where they might be hiding with residual insecticide. It is also important to find the source of the infestation, at which pest control technicians are expert.

Wood Boring Beetles

did you know
Beetles can communicate with pheromones as well as vibrations and sounds.
Some of the beetles that cause the most damage are wood boring beetles, although you will probably know them better as woodworm. That is because they do all their damage in the larval stage, when they look like worms. The adult beetles only last a few days. For more information on the beetle removal methods for these sorts of beetle, see the section on "Woodworm".

In general, beetles are scavengers and are attracted to food waste, so the best way to stave of an infestation is by keeping a clean environment. Once you have a beetle infestation though, it can be hard to totally eradicate, so you should contact pest control experts to carry out beetle removal techniques as soon as possible.

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